This is Singer911, and I'm here to bring you the news on Animal Jam!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

we're back new in shops sales!

Hey guys We are back! So what came out while we were gone we'll just as my cousins supsected they came out with a horse claw in the diamond shop! and a new update came out on AJ so whats on clearence we'll the bat wall paper is leaving in 9 days so u may wanna go get 1 of those and the flag in jam mart clothing is leaving in 8 days so be sure to get 1 of those and stuff in jam mart clothing r on sale not all stuff but alot of stuff HE Terrace chair came out while we were gone and the diamond crown and tiara came out in epic wonders also for some strange reason like they always do every year for alimmted time u can go to the jaamhoilday party!and we took a pic of me having a good time at the party! Oh and Rihnos are back so I did a pic saying they rocked and I'm also going to send this to AJ so ya u can look for it at the news board in Jaama township we'll jammers thats all for right now this singer911 and bearsrock29 sighning off from our blog have a swimming saturday stay cute keep on singing and rocking!!!!!!!!!!! Oh guys and btw we are such a bad blogger idk if i forgot to post about this 1 day or if its even new but we just saw this item in shops we just wanted to talk about the gem encrusted necklace idk if ithas been here or if its new if u know please comment down below 2 more things we are visting family right now so the computer is really old that we have ben using but once we keep back home in 2 in a half weeks we will try to make my blog cooler if we can post pics which we probably can just letting u know a head of time we mean rather sooner then later right? oh and email us pics from u themed days at We'll jammers for Realsys bye!

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